Friday, June 6, 2014

Favorites on Friday - A Bloggiversary!

The Optimistically Anna Favorite of all Favorites on Friday

-One whole year and 70 posts later! Blogging definitely keeps me entertained - and gives me a excuse to 'nerd out' over fun career tips :) I have had a blast keeping up with this blog and hearing from readers! 

To celebrate this week's Favorite, here are the most-read posts from the past year!
A shout out to my friends that helped inspire this blog - 
"To The Friends that Make You Stronger"

One of the first, true working girl PTT's -
"First Day Do's"

Britt's hilarious guest post! Who agrees it's about time for an encore?
"Water Cooler Sports Talk". 

San Francisco Favorites - 
"Greetings from San Fran!"

My makeshift chopsticks... hah! - 
"Save Money and Eat Healthy"

Thanks for all of your support along the way.. that's what makes it fun!!

Have a great weekend! 

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