Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PTT: The 2:00 Slump

Dear Professional Tip Tuesday,

Do you have/have you heard of any solutions for fighting the afternoon slump? I always get SO TIRED around this time and sometimes either I don’t want to drink coffee/it doesn’t do it for me.  Any suggestions?

Falling asleep and drooling at her desk 

Optimistically Anna happily received this question in my email inbox today, and decided this would be a great tip for today. Everyone has been there! After lunch the hours just seem to drag on and on.

So I did a little research and found a few fantastic ideas for beating the 2:00 slump!

1. Move it! 
- Whether it's to fill up your water bottle, or a trip to the bathroom - stretching your legs might just do the trick. 
- And what about Office Chair Yoga? I happened to this in a Yahoo article and had to include the link for any interested yogis out there :) 

2. Water, water, water! 
- As Falling asleep and drooling at her desk mentions, coffee doesn't seem to help her. Sometimes my dear friend coffee doesn't help me either. But WATER seems to be a secret energizer. 
- This may sound silly - but if I am feeling especially drowsy, I 'challenge' myself to drink a whole bottle of water in so many minutes. It gives me something to focus on and makes me feel wide awake!

3. Snack attack!
- Keep some almonds or dried fruit handy for that dreaded afternoon hour. They will give you a burst of energy. 
- An extra tip with that one: If you are like me, and could eat a whole container of something if it was in front of you - pack little snack bags with just enough to keep you going strong! 

What tips do you have for staying alert through the afternoon hours? Comment below! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

PTT: Save Money & Stay Healthy While Traveling

Professional Tip Tuesday
I have a confession to make. Last Thursday, I was feeling discouraged by the amount of money I have had spent on food during my recent travels. So I took it as a challenge. I decided I didn't want to spend more than $5 on dinner that night.

This challenge is how I hit an all time low. 
My only
'cooking appliance'

It was pouring rain, so my plan to run down to the cute cafe down the street was a no-go. And let me tell you, there is no way to do room service on $5. So I walked down to the hotel gift shop and saw the answer to my problems - a Cup of Noodles.

Cup of Noodles = Desperation at it's finest. But it gets even worse. 

I threw some water in the little single-cup coffee brewer in my hotel room. Following the "Cooking Directions", I filled Styrofoam cup with the hot water. ...I am not making that up. The 3-steps to making the Cup of Noodles are seriously titled 'Cooking Directions' on the package.

So here's where it gets bad: After my gourmet meal was ready, I realized I did not have a fork. Uh oh. Time to get creative...  
Those 'chopsticks' are actually coffee stirrers - not my proudest moment.
While I am partially impressed by my thriftiness, that was a one-time only ordeal. So this week's Professional Tip Tuesday is what I did differently this week and how it helped me save money and be healthier...

1. I packed a water bottle. 
- I realized I do not drink nearly enough water when I am traveling. This time, I saved room for my water bottle so I would be sure to stay hydrated. Especially when traveling, drinking plenty of water will help keep you feeling healthy.

2. I found food that travels well.
I remembered plastic silverware this time too!
- I stopped by the grocery store and got a little creative before my flight on Monday (pictured below). I almost forgot how delicious an apple and peanut butter can be - these little peanut butter cups are so convenient! Also this oatmeal with flax seed is tasty and filling!
**A grocery store near your hotel is a lifesaver.

3. I read: "Don't be tempted by the menu"
- It's inevitable. That food stash won't be enough and I will have to eat out. I loved the advice in this US News article: Order something standard, like a sandwich or a salad without even opening the menu. ..But don't forget to treat yourself every now and then! :)

So how do you stay healthy on the road? Comment below!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

PTT: Load Up on the Rewards!

Here I am, back in beautiful Salt Lake City this week. On my evening flight in last night - I received an unexpected compliment. ...Well I considered it a compliment. The gentleman sitting next to me said, "Hey with all of your organization and use of gadgets, you must travel all the time." Eeek. Like I said in my last post, I am definitely still a frequent-travel-newb.

At least I give off the vibe that I know my stuff!
Morning view from the hotel!

So my latest traveling tip for this week?

Load up on rewards cards! And if you can afford it / feel comfortable - sign up for a credit card to take full advantage of the points. 

I have been debating the 'right' way to do credit cards for a while. It can be so overwhelming! You don't want too many credit cards, but you also need to establish credit too. 

One of my original credit cards is a store visa card. It was a really great idea as I was stocking up on my professional wardrobe. The rewards are great and there aren't any annual fees. But now I feel like it's time to get a credit card that I can get even more out of. 

Since I know I will be traveling quite a bit - I decided to look into airline and hotel rewards cards. After some research.. ding, ding, ding - Southwest was the winner for me.

What to consider when thinking about a rewards credit card: 
1. Be aware of annual fees and charges. 
- Make sure it is actually worth the rewards. You don't want to be surprised by any hefty fees or extreme annual charges. I wouldn't completely rule it out - Southwest does have an annual fee. But the particular rewards I am getting will outweigh that cost.

2. Understand on how your points add up. 
- How much are the points worth? And how many points do you need to even reap the rewards? For Southwest, $1 = 1 point. If I am spending it with Southwest, I get 2 points! And especially since I will be purchasing lots of flights, the actual rewards will hopefully add up quickly. So when considering a card, be sure you know how your points add up. 

3. Consider what rewards you will actually use.
- My first credit card seemed too good to be true with the awesome rewards. But I just don't use the rewards as much as I thought I would. 

What companies are you loyal to when you are traveling? Comment below!