Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there!

I know I wouldn't be the young lady I am today without my dear papa. His charm and personality, kind spirit, and beautiful soul has been an incredible inspiration throughout my life. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive dad.

My dad knows everyone. He's lived all across America and has friends in pretty much every state. Every person that meets him, loves him. He is a fantastic guy and will do anything for anyone. ...As his daughter, this is a good and a bad thing - sometimes I am don't want help or advice but I get it anyway :)

Anyway, if I can have that kind of impact on half the people I meet as my dad does, I will be doing something right. 
So here's wishing the happiest of Father's Day's to you, Dad! 

1 comment:

  1. My Little Princess and a Half!!:
    You look the guidance and support i gave you and ran miles past it.
    you added your own talent, so far ahead.
    You make it so easy to say, "I am proud to be your Dad!"
    Love Daddy.
