Hi guys, how are you? Remember me.. I am the girl that used to consistently post on this site. Sorry I kinda fell off the blogging-sphere this past week. I was home in Kansas City for a whopping 10 days - the longest I have slept in my own bed since January! And it will probably be that way for a while. As of yesterday, I flew back to Salt Lake City and won't be home again until mid-July.
The Highlights
So with this 40+ day stint ahead, I spent the past week laying low and packing in as many
normal life things as possible. I have never appreciated things like grocery shopping more!
Lots of time with friends and lounging by the pool!
The week couldn't have started off more perfect - my best friend visited for Memorial Day Weekend! After weeks of hotel rooms and coworkers, there was nothing better than time with the people that know you best. We even fit in some pool time with a side of some delicious margaritas :)
Got a little crazy in the kitchen. |
Like I said, I had a little too much fun at the grocery store. I loaded up on fresh foods and prepared for lots of cooking. It was great to actually use my kitchen - I made myself breakfast, packed a fresh lunch, and experimented with tasty new dinner foods. Britt and I got adventurous with homemade black bean burgers and tabbouleh! We used a
super simple recipe and... it was (surprisingly) a success!!
Visited a few KC favorites. |
It wouldn't have been a week at home without visiting a few of my favorite establishments in Kansas City.. and even checking out a few new places! I went to a movie (or two) at the Dine-In
Alamo Draft House movie theater. Enjoyed a delicious Sangria at
The Drop. Tried out the cutest Italian restaurant,
Cupinis, for some amazing cuisine. And finally made it down to the jazz district in KC for some great live music and good food.
Feeling refreshed. So after a great week of being around friends and sleeping in my own bed - I am ready for more hotel rooms, work, and travel. This month is going to be a little chaotic, but I have lots of good summer plans to look forward to!
After an update like that, it's hard to get down to business - but I do want to share a little Professional Tip Tuesday good stuff. Someone special shared this awesome article with me and I have to pass it along:
10 Life Lessons to Excel in Your Thirties.
Everything Mark Manson mentions in this article is valuable and makes you think. I loved every part of it! My (current) favorite is number 8 -
"Nobody (still) knows what they're doing, get used to it".
As I approach my year in the working world, my mind has been racing with the "What's next?" sort of questions. The author points out that this is pretty typical for people at every age. We are constantly meeting new people, reading about the 'next big thing', and exposed to jobs we never knew was possible. So it totally makes sense that our minds are always wandering!
I get a new big idea everyday! I think about career possibilities within my company, graduate school, what would make me happy.. oh, it never ends. Like he notes in the article, no one knows what's next. But it's exciting stuff. There are so many things out there in the world to daydream about!
So what 'life lessons' are you learning along the way? And back to the fun stuff, how was your Memorial Day weekend? Comment below!