Tuesday, September 24, 2013

PTT: How to Rock the Career Fair

Professional Tip Tuesday
This time, last year, I was probably freaking out a little bit. The career fair was quickly approaching and all of a sudden everything was starting to feel real. Graduation was 7 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days away. And I still had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. 
Oh, the game of life.
Walking into that career fair for the first time was terrifying and exciting. There were rows and rows filled with so many companies. Employers from all across the country were right in front of me. And I had no idea where life was going to take me.

Career fairs can be an awesome way to see your options, network, and open some doors. It's not very often you get a sea of employers who are hiring all in the same place. With all of that in mind, this week's Professional Tip Tuesday is:

How to rock the career fair. 

As you prepare for the fair, here are some questions to think about: 

1. How should you prepare?

  • Research! If you know a little something, it will for sure set you apart from the masses.
    • Use that amazing source we all have access to - the internet! 
    • Spend 15 minutes and look up at least 5 companies that you know will be at the career fair and write down 2 facts about each of them. You won't regret it. 
  • Be ready. Get all of your stuff together in advance. 
    • Finalize your resume and have someone look it over. Print 5+ copies (depending on how ambitious you are feeling!). 
    • Use a plain folder or padfolio to keep your resumes from getting all crinkled. Bring a piece of paper to take some notes and a pen.

2. How do you talk to employers?

  • Be confident. Flash a big smile, go for the handshake if it seems appropriate, and say something super original like...
    • "Hi, my name is Anna. I am graduating this May and I am looking for a full time job." 
  • The research will help. But even if you see a company there you have never heard of, don't be afraid to wing it. Also, flattery will get you far.
    • i.e. "Hi, my name is Anna. I am graduating this May and I am looking for a full time job. [Insert company name] looks like an awesome place to work.. can you tell me a little bit about it?" 
  • Be open minded. Don't pass up an employer just because you don't think it's for you. Last year, I got a free trip to Texas just to interview for a company I almost didn't stop to talk to.
    My first 'business trip' flying in style into DFW International Airport.

3. How can you follow up? 

  • Following up can be one of the most important parts. It's how you develop a network and show initiative. 
  • Immediately after you leave a company's booth, take down some notes about what you talked about. Try and be as specific as possible. 
  • After the fair, email the person or send them a message on LinkedIn. Use the notes you took to make it feel personal! 
    • i.e. "Hi Susie, It was nice to meet you today. It was great to hear how much you like x about your job. I would love to learn more about your role and the company. What next steps are there for applying? Thanks for your time, -Anna"

Those are 3 big things that can help you make the most out of the career fair! Have you attended a career fair before? What are your go-to tips for talking to employers? Comment below.

And in case you were wondering.. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. But I think exploration is what your twenties are for :)

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