Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PTT: The 2:00 Slump

Dear Professional Tip Tuesday,

Do you have/have you heard of any solutions for fighting the afternoon slump? I always get SO TIRED around this time and sometimes either I don’t want to drink coffee/it doesn’t do it for me.  Any suggestions?

Falling asleep and drooling at her desk 

Optimistically Anna happily received this question in my email inbox today, and decided this would be a great tip for today. Everyone has been there! After lunch the hours just seem to drag on and on.

So I did a little research and found a few fantastic ideas for beating the 2:00 slump!

1. Move it! 
- Whether it's to fill up your water bottle, or a trip to the bathroom - stretching your legs might just do the trick. 
- And what about Office Chair Yoga? I happened to this in a Yahoo article and had to include the link for any interested yogis out there :) 

2. Water, water, water! 
- As Falling asleep and drooling at her desk mentions, coffee doesn't seem to help her. Sometimes my dear friend coffee doesn't help me either. But WATER seems to be a secret energizer. 
- This may sound silly - but if I am feeling especially drowsy, I 'challenge' myself to drink a whole bottle of water in so many minutes. It gives me something to focus on and makes me feel wide awake!

3. Snack attack!
- Keep some almonds or dried fruit handy for that dreaded afternoon hour. They will give you a burst of energy. 
- An extra tip with that one: If you are like me, and could eat a whole container of something if it was in front of you - pack little snack bags with just enough to keep you going strong! 

What tips do you have for staying alert through the afternoon hours? Comment below! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so MUCH Optimistically Anna! I'm excited to try these to defeat today's afternoon lull!


    Drooling :)
